In case you missed it, I led a webinar last Thursday 8/30 to provide some clarity around the channels we think we know so well, but that can often be quite complex. Here are some nuggets:
Social & Display: Peanut Butter and Jelly
We are often asked “which is better: display or social?” The truth is that neither is “better”– they go together (insert Grease song here)! Social media is a click-heavy, highly-engaging environment that works to cultivate brand loyalty, educate audiences, and invite them into your online community. Display reinforces this message while people browse CNN, The Weather Channel,, or any other high-quality websites your audiences frequent. Since we’ve found that most arts patrons still convert on desktop instead of mobile, we always want to give patrons opportunities to convert from a display ad on desktop later in their buying journey.
Google Grants:
Whatever you do, make sure you have an active Google Grant running at all times if you are a non-profit, as you can get up to $10,000 USD in-kind GoogleAds advertising! If your team could use help managing your grant, give us a holler!
The Trifecta
Social media advertising, programmatic display, and Google Ads (recently renamed from Google AdWords) perform best when they can play off each other. Think of a multi-channel approach as that girl who is really great at dancing, singing, and acting. She’ll wow any audience with her voice, but she really brings the house down when she can use all of her talents. Combining platforms, when done with the right technology, will only improve your ROI by addressing every stage of the marketing funnel.
I’ll leave you with a quote I included in the webinar:
“Good marketing is a promise delivered.”
– Beth Comstock, Vice Chair of General Electric
Don’t leave any stone unturned: keep delivering on your promises to patrons by investing in as many channels as possible. And let us know how we at MogoARTS can continue to deliver on our promises to you. Want to watch the webinar? Check out the video HERE.
‘Till next time, arts marketers!